Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture

Bibliographic description:
Kozuluna E. A.
Bardamova E. A.
GEOMETRICAL NOMINATION AS AN OBJECT OF LINGUISTIC RESEARCH // Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture. - 2016. №3. . - С. 3-8.
UDK: 811.531
The article deals with the problem of reflect the spatial and geometric concepts in the language. The topic is determined by the fact that the geometric values as basic spatial ontological categories was the subject of attention of scientists in the linguistics, in cog- nitive linguistics. In this paper we consider the symbolic meanings of geometric nomi- nations, demonstrating their versatility as a basis for comparison of the specificity cul- tural content discovery features of spatial perception, the establishment of groups of geometric concepts, employees prototypical basis of spatial and non-spatial categoriza- tion of the objective world. Determine the significance of the semantics of geometric units, analysis of linguistic meanings which are in line with the cognitive approach makes it possible to gain access to knowledge about the world.
space, geometric category, cognitive linguistics, semantics.
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