Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture

Bibliographic description:
Serebryakova Z. A.
The SYSTEM of CHARACTERS in the NOVEL by B. SANZHIN «The RIGHTEOUS WAY» // Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture. - 2017. №1. . - С. 41-48.
UDK: 821.0(47+57)
The article analyses the system of characters in the novel by the Buryat writer B. Sanzhin «The righteous way». The plot of the novel is connected with the cam- paign of Khory, one of the Buryat tribes, to Peter I, its causes and consequences. The position of this work in the Buryat literature is conditioned by the novelty of the theme. There are two dominant ideas in the novel. The first one consists in stat- ing the difficulties of being related to the tribe not numerous amongst powerful neighbors in the absence of the distinct state borders. The second idea pretends to be the leading idea of the narration and consists in the following: the person’s fate is indissoluble from own people’s fate. The action is connected with the main prob- lem of the novel: the vector of the further progress of the Buryat people. The author polarizes the characters in accordance with his own attitude: the positive ones are for the union with Russia, the negative ones are disposed to seek protection from the Eastern sovereigns. The analysis of the main characters in the novel permits to conclude that the novelist succeeded in reproducing the dynamics of events, con- veying the separate, individual images in the development and moreover the troubles of the fate in the prism of their conscience, describing the historical situa- tion. Unfortunately, the second idea of the novel about the indissoluble person’s and own people’s fate did not have sufficient and convincing embodiment.
image, idea, plot, problem, story, the history, literature, Buryat novel, hero, character.
List of references:
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