Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture

Bibliographic description:
SHagdarova B. B.
NEWS AGGREGATORS on the INTERNET // Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture. - 2017. №1. . - С. 66-71.
UDK: 070.13 (571.54)
Changes in the media are rapid in nature, there are new and experimental media formats that are gaining more and more supporters. In general, journalism digitali- zation of media production gives rise to automated media, forming and distributing content on the Internet without the participation of the team of journalists and edi- tors. In 2017, turnover in the public official has a new concept - the news aggrega- tors, which by law is now equated with the media. In the development of the news aggregators are interested not only the owners, but the media and the Internet, which is seriously increasing traffic due to transitions users from aggregators.The phenomenon of high popularity of news aggregators is linked to a number of fac- tors, the nature of which can not be described from the standpoint of traditional instruments. In this article, the author addresses only some aspects of the new phe- nomena in an attempt to mark a substantive outline of the object.
оnline journalism, news aggregators, news agencies, the traffic, content, internet.
List of references:
1. Amzin A., et al. Kak novye media izmenili zhurnalistiku [As new media have changed journalism]. Yekaterinburg: Humanities University Publ., 2016. 304 p.