Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture

Bibliographic description:
Nurjanar K.
ORONIM – the OBJECT OF LINGUISTIC STUDY // Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture. - 2017. №2. . - С. 26-34.
UDK: 811.512‘42
The article is devoted to the description of the degree of study of the problem of Mongolian oronymy, one of the components of the toponymic picture of the world. The study of oronyms as the most ancient lexical strata is relevant in terms of revealing their potential in objectifying the physico-natural conditions of resi- dence of the Mongolian ethnos, the type and characteristics of economic activity, the specifics of ancient beliefs, the history of language, allows to establish the his- torical past, restore the boundaries of settlement. The main toponymic concepts are considered in the work, but the main attention is focused on the history of the issue in the context of the achievements of Mongolian and Russian scientists dealing with the specific features of the orographic objects of Mongolia, various ap- proaches to describing oronyms are given, and the specific features of their cha- racteristics are revealed. Having studied the existing experience in determining the structural and semantic features of education, the author determines the prospect of further research.
toponymy, geographical objects, relief, Mongolian oronyms.
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