Бурятского государственного университета
имени Доржи Банзарова

Вестник БГУ. Гуманитарные исследования Внутренней Азии

Библиографическое описание:
Цзи Ц.
Анализ торговых отношений России и Китая на современном этапе // Вестник БГУ. Гуманитарные исследования Внутренней Азии. - 2015. №1. . - С. 48-50.
Анализ торговых отношений России и Китая на современном этапе
DOI: 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-1-48-50УДК: 339.9(470+510)
With the Russian accelerating integration into the international economic system and the Chinese continuous improvement the domestic market and legal environments, Sino-Russian trade relations have become increasingly close. The trade scale has expanded each year and therefore trade friction is likely to increase. Although the special political relationship between China and Russia can partly restrain intense trade friction between the two countries, the two countries still should further standardize bilateral markets and trade orders, so that the Sino-Russian trade can obtain long-term and stable development under the changing international situation of growing complexity.
Ключевые слова:
China, Russia, trade, remedies, WTO rules.

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