Бурятского государственного университета
имени Доржи Банзарова

Вестник БГУ. Гуманитарные исследования Внутренней Азии

Библиографическое описание:
Цюй Ц.
Обучение навыкам мужкультурной коммуникации студентов ВУЗов // Вестник БГУ. Гуманитарные исследования Внутренней Азии. - 2015. №2. . - С. 25-28.
Обучение навыкам мужкультурной коммуникации студентов ВУЗов
DOI: 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-2-25-28УДК: 378.016:008
Under the trend of globalization, the college students' intercultural communication education becomes an inevitable trend. College students' intercultural communication education is a requirement of social devel-opment.It is the embodiment of the era.It is a social systems engineering, which needs the joint efforts of society related power. We need to deepen the understanding of cross-cultural communication ability, edu-cation in college students' cross-cultural communication, to combine elements such as cognition, emotion, behavior, also should develop the students' self-confidence and a sense of pride, adhere to cultural relativity, pay attention to the cultural exchange and collision, but also from cultivating cultural tolerance and other aspects to cultivate college students' intercultural communicative competence.
Ключевые слова:
college students, Intercultural communication, Cultural relativism, China
Список литературы:






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