Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Economy and Management

The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main scientific results for the degrees of Candidate of Science, and Doctor of Science should be published.

The journal is included in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on the E-library platform.

The journal "Bulletin of Buryat State University. Economy and Management" is published since 2016 four times a year. The journal advances a systematic study in various fields of modern economy and management aimed at preparing the conceptual proposals in the light of the current global, interstate, national and regional trends.

The journal’s aim is to reflect the fundamental and practical scientific achievements of professors, teachers, researchers, doctoral students, probationers and research assistants of Buryat State University, as well as education, academic and research workers of universities and scientific organizations of Russia and the CIS countries; executives and leading specialists of federal and regional authorities. Besides it should be noted that in recent years the journal have published the research articles of professors and teachers from far abroad (in particular, from Mongolia, China, and Finland).

The Editorial Board headed by the Editor-in-Chief provides the work of the journal.