The series "Humanities Research of Inner Asia", being an independent publication, is integrated into the Bulletin of the Buryat State University. The field of knowledge is the history, politics and culture of the peoples of Inner Asia and the contiguous states of South Korea, China, North Korea.
The journal is aimed at maintaining an active scientific dialogue on historical, socio-political, ethnological and anthropological issues in a broad scientific context, involving the participation of theorists and practitioners at all levels (from the academic elite to graduate students), interested in political, social and cultural transformations of the Asia-Pacific region.
The journal's aim is to inform the scientific community about the current state and development of theoretical, discussion, traditional and innovative research in various fields of social and historical sciences.
Comparative studies are welcome, which allow to compare the processes and phenomena typical for the countries of the Asian-Pacific region with similar processes and phenomena observed both within the territories of the so-called Internal Asia and on a global scale.
The journal serves as a forum for scientists from all regions of Russia and countries of the world and accepts for publication articles both in Russian and in English.
It is also necessary to note the multidisciplinary of modern research, often conducted at the junction of different areas and involving the latest research methods.
All manuscripts are reviewed by at least two experts who have internationally recognized publications. Thus, the main goal of the Journal is to publish good scientific materials of interest to the world scientific community. The journal's editorial made considerable efforts to improve the status of the journal: on the one hand, it improves the quality of publications by conducting a hard review, and on the other - the introduction of on-line manuscripts, open access to publications on the Internet, access to modern electronic libraries and information base, for example Scholar Google, Russian electronic scientific library, etc.
We are sure that the series "Humanities Research of Inner Asia" affords its authors a brilliant opportunity for integration of their new fundamental results into the modern scientific-informational space.