Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Medicine and pharmacy

Bibliographic description:
Taraskina A. S.
Imikhenova E. I.
Study of medicinal provision of the population in Tunkinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia with iodine-containing preparations // BSU bulletin. Medicine and pharmacy. - 2017. №2. . - С. 40-42.
Study of medicinal provision of the population in Tunkinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia with iodine-containing preparations
UDK: 614.87:616.084:546.15
The article is devoted to the study of medicinal provision of the population in Tun- kinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia with iodine-containing medicinal prepara- tions. The authors carried out an expert evaluation of the range of available iodine- containing preparations, and also with the help of sociological methods, the awareness of the population about the prevention of thyroid diseases has been determined. As a result of the structural and content analysis of the obtained data, a "medication con- sumption basket" of this group of drugs has been formed. All recommended medica- tions are presented in the assortment of drugstores of Tunkinsky district according to three international non-proprietary names of four registered ones in the Russian Federa- tion.
thyroid gland diseases; iodine-containing drugs; expert review.
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