Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Medicine and pharmacy

Bibliographic description:
Nechunaeva A. N.
Botoeva E. A.
Batarova V. E.
Sunbragova E. D.
Shagina Z. B.
PREMATURITY // BSU bulletin. Medicine and pharmacy. - 2018. №2. . - С. 53-58.
UDK: 618.56 – 007.281
One of the main problems in obstetrics remains premature birth, despite significant achieve- ments in the treatment of the threat, to this day remains relevant. This article deals with the problem of premature birth, since children are born immature and, therefore, give a high per- centage of childhood morbidity and infant mortality. In the article premature birth of the Urban Perinatal Center of Ulan-Ude for 2017 was analyzed. Based on the analysis, the main causes of premature birth were identified. Particular attention is paid to three reasons, as the most frequent, leading to premature birth: I-PIOV, II-scar on the uterus, II-ICS. The article reveals and presents: the possible tactics and algorithm for the introduction of pregnancy, diagnosis and prevention. After the analysis of the data, the outcome of premature birth and outcome was considered.
premature birth, risk factors, main causes, tactics and algorithm of pregnancy, diagnosis and prevention
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