Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture

Bibliographic description:
Suseeva D. A.
ARCHIVAL MATERIALS AND PROBLEMS OF KALMYK LINGUISTICS // Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture. - 2020. №3. . - С. 51-62.
DOI: 10.18101/2305-459X-2020-3-51-62UDK: 811.512.375
The municipal institution of Republic of Kalmykia "National Archive" is home
to archive materials that can be of great help to a modern researcher-kalmykologist.
Thousands of Kalmyk khans business letters written in XVIII century and their contemporaries brought to us not only the history of specific events in the past, but also a cultural (conceptual) picture of the Kalmyk people world, which was formed on the basis of
specific people and has been received with the help of senses of those people and passed
through their consciousness, both collective and individual. These archival materials
show that the cultural picture of Kalmyk people world is rich and unique. This peculiarity is associated with a number of facts, namely: the nomadic way of life of the people,
culture, history, social structure of society, religion, traditions, customs in the new sociohistorical conditions. Exploring the world of Kalmyks in XVII-XVIII centuries, their
culture, way of life, national character, mentality, provides the opportunity to get to
know the features of Kalmyk language, because the real use of the Kalmyk words in
speech, the real Kalmyk speech activity (or reciprocate) is largely determined by social
and cultural life of Kalmyk language speaker, the language of s Kalmyk people within
the Russian state for over 400 years. Kalmyk language structures are based not only on
socio-cultural structures, but also on speech structures. Knowing the meaning of Kalmyk
words and the rules of Kalmyk grammar is not enough to use the language as a means of
communication, making this communication effective and efficient. There is need to
know more about the world of the language you are learning. When studying speech activity, it is necessary to pay attention to who, when, where, to whom, what was
said/written, how the content (information) said/written corresponds to the reality in
which communication is carried out. The language of business correspondence between
Kalmyk khans and their contemporaries provides answers to many problematic questions
of Kalmyk linguistics and, in particular, Kalmyk lexicography.
Kalmyk language of the XVIII century; material, methodology, and method research; archival documents as a basis for solving historical problems lexicographies.
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