Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture

Bibliographic description:
Tushinov B. L.
Bukhogolova S. B.
NOMUN-KHAN JAMBAL DORJO GEGEN'S TEACHING GIVEN TO THE BURYAT PEOPLE // Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture. - 2020. №3. . - С. 63-70.
Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания (проект «Памятники письменности народов Внутренней Азии: исследование, перевод и презентация», АААА-А19-119111300043-4).
DOI: 10.18101/2305-459X-2020-3-63-70UDK: 930.22
This article examines a historical document written in Mongolian script: "The
One Who Attained the Highest Wisdom", authored by a Mongolian Lama, a Buddhist
Sangha hierarch Jambal Dorjo gegen, known also by his title of "Nomun Khan". The
analysis of this text made it possible to confirm the links between the Mongolian Sangha
and the Buryat people that became a part of the Russian polity, the Khariad clan in particular. It is known that even with the establishment of borders between Mongolia and
Russia, the Buryat tribes continued to go on pilgrimages to Bogdo-gegen and various sacred sites in Mongolia for worship. They continued offering tirbute and receiving Teachings from the Sangha despite both governments' efforts to put a stop to this. One such
Teaching given to the Buryats were the sermons given by Jambal Dorjo gegen, who undoubtedly enjoyed a high position of authority amongst the faithful. They were provided
in a simple, easy-to-understand format that often used allegory to get their point across,
which made internalising the Teaching that much easier. It is obvious that the record of
Jambal Dorjo's messages is a direct transcript of his oral lessons and lectures. This is evidenced by the numerous repetitions indicative of spoken language.
Without a doubt, this historical document serves as a valuable source of knowledge about
the living tradition of transferring the Teachings from Teacher to student and various
ways the Buddhist teachings have spread amongst the Buryat tribes in XIX-XX centuries.
Jambal Dorjo gegen; Nomun Khan; Lamrim; Shajan; Buryats; MongolianRussian relations; Buryat's clan Khariad; Mongolian manuscripts; stages of the path.
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