Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture

Bibliographic description:
Bigermaa R.
LITERARY TRENDS IN MONGOLIAN PROSE OF THE 20th CENTURY (examples of symbolism used in modern poetry) // Bulletin of BSU. Language. Literature. Culture. - 2020. №3. . - С. 115-121.
LITERARY TRENDS IN MONGOLIAN PROSE OF THE 20th CENTURY (examples of symbolism used in modern poetry)
DOI: 10.18101/2305-459X-2020-3-115-121UDK: 821.512.36.0
In this article, the author investigated the peculiarities of the Mongolian modern poetry Abouhalima B. Gobi and Lhagvasuren B. Mongolian scholars and researchers believe that Yavuuhulan B. was an innovator of the second generation of Mongolian modern poetry. He enriched the legacy of Mongolian poetry with his lyrical poetry, which reflected in a new way on the traditional thinking and life of the Mongols. Lhagvasuren B is an innovator of the third generation of Mongolian modern poetry, because his poems show a specific fantasy in the proportion of the meaning of the word, and his writing technique changed the standard of writing. He updated Mongolian poetry with their new images and expressions that are cleverly used forms of Indian and Tibetan traditional thoughts, especially the type of “Outbreaks". The main idea of "two Gobi" is about the peaceful and happy life of the Gobi people, the beautiful nature and features of the Gobi, the hospitable people, the Mongolian culture, traditions and customs. These images were shown in relation to the present, past, and future.
современная поэзия; традиция и новаторство; символизм и обычай.
List of references:
1. Bigermaa R. The Literary Movements in the Twentieth Century Prose Poetry Mongolian. Ulaanbaatar, 2016.

2. Galbaatar D. Encyclopedia of Literature: Theory, history, criticism. Ulaanbaatar, 2012.

3. Galbaatar D. Key issues of Mongolian literary theory and history. Ulaanbaatar, 2001.

4. Dulam S. Mongolian Symbolism: Numbers. Ulaanbaatar, 2007.

5. Dulam S. Mongolian Symbolism: Orientation and Directions. Ulaanbaatar, 2007.

6. Dulam S. Mongolian Symbolism: Time. Ulaanbaatar, 2007.