Вестник БГУ. Юриспруденция
Bibliographic description:
SUBJECT AND METHOD OF ANTROPOLOGY OF LAW // Вестник БГУ. Юриспруденция. - 2019. №2. . - С. 3-19.
UDK: 34.01
Questions of the subject of anthropology of law are debatable. In the article on the basis of the analysis of the definitions of anthropology of law available in science and its place in the system of scientific disciplines to justify the point of view that anthropology of law, as well as the actual legal anthropology, is part of the General theory of law and state and is designed to answer the question of the origin of law and state, to give a scientific defini- tion of law and state as social phenomena. Modern scientific paradigm operates transcen- dental definitions of law and the state and is based on a «net exercise» of the right. Com- prehension of the Genesis of law and the state requires from jurisprudence in General and in particular from the General theory of law and the state a significant update of methodo- logical foundations, expanding its empirical and epistemological content by referring to the achievements of General sociology, anthropology, Ethnography and other subjects, which actualizes the problem of the relative separation of the General theory of law and the state in matters of origin of law and the state.
General theory of law; anthropology of law; legal anthropology; social an- thropology; cultural anthropology; origin of law and state; methodology of law; subject.
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