Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Gao S.
Assistance between China and Russia area construction // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №2. . - С. 83-90.
Assistance between China and Russia area construction
DOI: 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-2-83-90UDK: 34(470+510)
In January 27, 1994, the government of the people's Republic of China and the Russian federal government on the Sino Russian border crossings agreement, the Chinese side in the Sino Russian border region estab-lished 20 open port city of Russia, only this year has been in the past 20 years, these open cities in Russia to promote Sino Russian trade plays an extremely important role. Although they have made a lot of achievements in the economic and trade cooperation, there are still some outstanding problems in the aspects of the design and establishment of the relevant system, and the deepening of the opening of the city open, and should take the initiative to put forward and clarify the issue of criminal judicial assistance in the area of China and Russia.
criminal judicial assistance, remote trial procedures, sentence recognition, police cooperation, network system of judicial assistance, China, Russia.

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