Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Biology, geography

Bibliographic description:
Yelayev E. N.
Ovdin M. Y.
Razuvaev A. Y.
Buzhinaev A. M.
THE LATE-SPRING BIRD POPULATIONS OF THE SVJATOJ NOS WETLANDS (BAIKAL LAKE) // BSU bulletin. Biology, geography. - 2019. №4. . - С. 28-40.
DOI: 10.18101/2587-7148-2019-4-28-40UDK: 598.2(571.5)
Field observations were carried out at the final stages of spring migration in late May — early June 2019 in the Northern part of the isthmus with coverage of the North-Eastern exposure of the Svjatoj Nos Peninsula — from the area “Kulinoe” to the settlement “Monakhovo”. The structure of the bird population in the late spring period was quite simple — on the backdrop of species diversity (in total 65 species) there are few numerous species (with the exception of 1–2 landscapes, mostly intrazonal). So, the most diverse population of birds of meadow- marsh stations — caltus and lowland meadows — 35 species. Of these is numerous only Great Cormorant. 24 species of birds accounted over the Arangatuy and Barmashovo Lakes, in estuaries and bays of Baikal Lake (Cape “Kotovo”, Chivyrkuysky Bay). Great Cormorant, Common and Mongolian Gulls are numerous; Mallard, Garganey, Northern Lapwing, Marsh Sandpiper, Common Tern, White Wagtail, Eastern Black Crow are common. The species richness of the forest station is typical for the near-terraced pine and slope mixed forests (25 and 24 species, respectively). The ornithofauna of birch forests is less diverse (20 species). Common are the Great Spotted Woodpecker, Willow Tit, Hasel Grouse, Oriental Turtle-Dove, Eastern Black Crow, Pine Bunting, Wood Nuthatch, Olive-backed Pipit, Eurasian Sparrow- hawk, Common Cuckoo, etc. The steppe areas (“Kulinoe” and “Kovrizhka” places) were poor (8 species). Here are the usual — Black Grouse and Eastern Black Crow. The highest total population density of birds was observed the ponds of the isthmus (120.4 ind./km2), and the lowest — in the steppe areas (6.4). The increase of species composition and population density is typical for border (ecotonic) territories — on the border of adjacent landscapes (“marsh-forest”) — on account the interpenetration of species from different landscape- ecological groups.
birds; species diversity; population density; ecotone landscapes; wetland complex «Kulinoe»; Svyatoy Nos Peninsula; Lake Baikal.
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