Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Economy and Management

Bibliographic description:
Potaev V. S.
Vitulyeva T. A.
PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF MONGOLIA IN THE EXPORT OF MEAT PRODUCTS // BSU bulletin. Economy and Management. - 2019. №1. . - С. 18-24.
DOI: 10.18101/2304-4446-2019-1-18-24UDK: 339.5
The article discusses the possibilities for developing the export of meat and meat products from Mongolia to other countries, including Russia and China. In recent years, the country exports mainly mineral resources, rather than agricultural products. The main limiting factor in the increase of exports from Mongolia is high customs duties. Other problems include a lack of international quality assurance and product safety, a relatively low level of preven- tion and control of livestock diseases in the country. Livestock culture in Mongolia is still poor, since most livestock-raising households use mostly extensive production methods, which limit their processing capacity. The livestock structure also limits exports. Sheep and goats occupy the largest share in the structure of livestock, horses and cattle accounts for about 10%. Currently, horse meat from Mongolia is more in demand on the international market. Russia and China also prefer to import beef and horse meat from Mongolia. In 2017, a large amount of meat and meat products was exported to China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Japan, Iran and Qatar, and the annual export volume in 2017 increased five times compared with 2013. Meat industry potentially remains one of the most attractive sectors of the real sector of Mongolia's economy. The prospects for the development of meat production in the country are mainly associated with foreign outlet. The livestock potential of Mongolia is enormous, since, unlike many other countries exporting meat, Mongolia produce meat of excellent taste and good ecological properties.
Mongolia; Russia; China; foreign trade; export; meat; meat products.
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