Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Kim V. V.
GENESIS AND EVOLUTION OF FANATICISM // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2019. №2. . - С. 49-56.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2019-2-49-56UDK: 304.2
The article deals with the conditions for emergence of fanaticism in the sphere of religion over the span of history, identifies trends in the evolution of religious institutions that con- tribute to the development of fanaticism. We pay special attention to the internal processes of becoming and development of different religions (polytheistic — Egyptian and Roman Paganism; monotheistic — Judaism, Christianity, Islam), the political and economic factors of religious fanaticism. The article shows that development of religious fanaticism is a nat- urally determined and requested process at different stages of the evolution of religious structures, and it can be protective, integrating or have another character. The historical currents of religious fanaticism development do not lose their relevance in modern society: confessional dialogues in the era of religious renaissance are replaced by conflicts; prose- lytism of the representatives of world religions coexists with the propaganda activities of non-traditional religious movements and cults; not only politicians but also terrorists resort to religious arguments. All this testifies in favor of the fact that the resources of religious fanaticism have not been exhausted.
religion; religious fanaticism; the history of religion; institutionalisation of reli- gion; intolerance; dogmatism.
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