Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Postnikov A. N.
ABOUT PROSPECTIVE SOCIOECONOMIC FORMATION OF RUSSIA // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2019. №3. . - С. 62-66.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2019-3-62-66UDK: 304.5
In the article we have made an attempt to engage in a discourse on the problems of Rus- sia’s future formation status. Nowadays, the concept of “socioeconomic formation” is sub- jected to critical rethinking, first of all due to the fact that real history of countries and peoples does not always fit into the strict framework of the theory of social formations. But if in the long run Russian society (or another one) does not have a definite formation status, then what will it be, what form of organization of public life awaits us? We believe that current social system in Russia does not have a future: it is not logical and reasonably required for Russian history, East-Slavic civilization; it was illegally estab- lished and largely preserves the criminal nature. And if we keep in mind that the East Slavic mentality is focused on justice, equality, and truth, then in the end Russia will come to the most effective and rational in this respect communist formation. To a great extent this concerns not only Russia, but all humanity.Communist ideology is always relevant: it will move peoples to act and materialize in their lives.
socio-economic formation; revolution; ideology; justice; socialism; conver- gence; future.
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