Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Tkachev V. S.
Suranova E. M.
CRISIS OF SPIRITUAL CULTURE: THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2018. №3. Философия. Philosophy. - С. 38-45.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2018-3-3-38-45UDK: 1; 13:130.2
The article is devoted to the specific aspects of the crisis of spiritual culture. It is proved that the scientific content of the term remains insufficiently studied, although the number of works on this problem is increasing. We emphasize that the very spir- itual culture is a production of human thinking by means of science, literature, art and philosophy, but as a historical process it represents endless changes of cultural forms: each form once arises, flourishes and dies, than it is replaced by other cultural forms. The article focuses on the fact that crises of spiritual cultures are complex, historically determined processes, which inevitably appear in sociocultural space of society. They arise when the previous cultural form is not yet exhausted its potential, and the strug- gle for its future form is only planned. Crises are only a small part of this process and therefore have a form of short-term violations and corrections of the course of nature. It is noted that during crises a special type of individual and ancestral consciousness has been formed, which is most in evidence in spiritual culture. It links culture to the stages of crisis development, slowing down and burdening its work, and merges crises perception with the use of rational and irrational thinking possibilities.
the definition of crisis; crisis; the crisis of culture; the crisis of spiritual cul- ture; the crisis of material culture; causes of crises; stages of crisis; crisis in the fine arts; crisis in the dramatic work; the possibilities of rational thinking; the possibilities of irrational thinking; individual thinking; ancestral consciousness.
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