Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Slusar V. N.
«PROMETHEUS» AND «ST. JOHN» TYPES OF PERSONALITY AS SUBJECTS OF VIOLENCE // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №3. Философия. Philosophy. - С. 21-29.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-3-21-29UDK: 316.422+316.485.26
The article deals with the views of W. Schubart, I. Ilyin, A. Burganov on the social ac- tivities of "Prometheus" and "St. John" types of personality. Structural social transfor- mations is a permanent shift of aeonic archetypes (dominant for the particular periods pre-images), which can cover nations, races, and even all mankind. The historical process depends on the dominant archetype; it results in formation of the basic personal- ity type: harmonious, heroic, ascetic or messianic.

The period from the second half of the 15th century to the first half of the 16th century was marked by transition to ―Prometheus‖ era and prevalence of heroic archetype. Me s- sianic archetype had been corresponded to the subsequent ―St John‖ era.

Primal fear is the engine of social activity as a subject of violence, it is a source of

―Prometheus‖ personality’s aspiration to authority, guarantees of order in society and personal life. The features of Promethean culture which defines the violent character of activities of Prometheus personality are the dominance of masculine traits, attitudes to order, aspiration to property ownership. Promethean culture is opposed to St John’s one. "St John" type of personality is a subject of indirect violence. Messianism principle is the basis of such violence, aimed at preserving spiritual freedom in the name of salvation, denying of people’s aspiration to well-being. Violent activities of "Prometheus" personality are controled by social activity of the "honest and principled".
violence, Promethean culture, St. John’s culture, "Prometheus" type of per- sonality, "St. John" type of personality, archetype.
List of references:
1. Schubart W. Evropa i dusha Vostoka [Europe and the Eastern Soul]. Moscow: Russkaya ideya Publ., 2000. 443 p.

2. Shipunova T. V. Agressiya i nasilie kak elementy sotsiokul'turnoi real'nosti [Aggression and Violence as Elements of Sociocultural Reality]. Sotsiologicheskie is- sledovaniya — Sociological Studies. 2002. No. 5. Pp. 67–76.

3. Burganov A. Chelovek svobodnyi. Filosofiya istochnikov samorazvitiya (samo- dostatochnosti) cheloveka [A Free Man. The Philosophy of Human Self-Development (self-sufficiency) Sources]. Moscow: Kalligraf Publ., 2011. 360 p.

4. Il'in I. A. O natsional'nom prizvanii Rossii (otvet na knigu Shuba rta) [About National Mission of Russia (answer for Schubart’s book)]. Schubart W. Evropa i dusha Vostoka — Europe and the Eastern Soul. Moscow: Russkaya ideya Publ., 2000. Pp. 368–405.

5. Slyusar V. N. L. N. Gumilev o problemakh vzaimodeistviya etnosov [L . N. Gu- milyov about Problems of Ethnic Interaction]. Evraziistvo i mir — Eurasianism and the World. 2014. No. 3. Pp. 126–137.