Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Sekulich N. B.
UNIVERSITY ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT: PRINCIPLES AND STRUCTURE // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №4. Педагогика. Pedagogy. - С. 114-120.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-4-114-120UDK: 378.1004
The article discusses the principles of creation of electronic educational environment (EEE) for university. We have analyzed scientific sources on the problems of building university electron- ic educational environments, studied the experience of Russian and foreign universities. EEE is considered as a set of electronic information resources, tools and technologies used in the educa- tional process of university. The basic principles of building EEE include openness, integrativity, resource redundancy, dynamism and interactivity. The basic components (content, methodology, organization, technologies, human resources) and EEE specificity are defined. We describe the process of EEE model implementation on the example of Buryat State Univer- sity. LMS MOODLE system of networking courses, e-learning courses and e-learning por- tal are the basic components of EEE.
ICT competencies, information technologies, electronic educational environment (EEE), blended learning.
List of references:
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