Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Shinkareva N. A.
Zaitseva O. Y.
AXIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF PRESCHOOL TEACHERS’ GENDER COMPETENCE // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №4. Педагогика. Pedagogy. - С. 202-212.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-4-202-212UDK: 373.2
The article analyzes the axiological determinants of preschool teachers’ gender competence. We have defined the differences of gender role and gender approaches to preschool education. The specific negative consequences of gender role approach to modeling of educational environment are concretized. Based on methodological substantiation of the humanistic paradigm in educa- tion we have defined the concept of teacher gender competence as a professionally significant position of educator focising on egalitarian values, modeling educational environment, forming social aspects of gender. The method of self-examination acts as a diagnostic standard for as- sessing the level of teacher gender competence development, it includes an assessment of the levels of competences development in particular and in general. These levels are methodical, productive and reproductive. The peculiarity of teacher gender competence formation is its fo-
cus on andragogical learning principles. The system of interactions in different communicative environments includes four stages – orienting, cognitive, practical and reflexive evaluative.
The article analyzes the axiological determinants of preschool teachers’ gender competence. We have defined the differences of gender role and gender approaches to preschool education. The specific negative consequences of gender role approach to modeling of educational environment are concretized. Based on methodological substantiation of the humanistic paradigm in educa- tion we have defined the concept of teacher gender competence as a professionally significant position of educator focising on egalitarian values, modeling educational environment, forming social aspects of gender. The method of self-examination acts as a diagnostic standard for as- sessing the level of teacher gender competence development, it includes an assessment of the levels of competences development in particular and in general. These levels are methodical, productive and reproductive. The peculiarity of teacher gender competence formation is its fo-



cus on andragogical learning principles. The system of interactions in different communicative environments includes four stages – orienting, cognitive, practical and reflexive evaluative. Keywords: gender culture, pedagogical competence, learner-centered interaction, levels of con- trol, gender role approach, gender approach, professionally significant position of educator.воспитателя.
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