Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Chukreev P. A.
Sargaev A. V.
SOCIO-CULTURAL ADAPTATION OF FOREIGN NATIONALS: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY DISCOURSE // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №6. Философия. Philosophy. - С. 97-107.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-6-97-107UDK: 325.1
Foreign nationals are an integral part of social structure in modern Russia constantly inte- racting with other elements – social communities, government institutions, and media. Proper functioning of this element depends on many factors. Having arrived in the Russian Federation migrants face a number of difficulties and obstacles and only after a successful adaptation they get integrated into the structure of society and become its integral part.

The concept of adaptation includes a variety of psychological, social and historical aspects and is widely used in various branches of science. A wide interest in the problem of human adaptation makes it possible to speak not only about the multifaceted, even universal, nature of adaptation phenomena, but also about the significant differences in methodological and theoretical approaches to defining its essence and interdisciplinary disunity of the related research. In the article, we consider the concept of adaptation through an interdisciplinary discourse.
migrants, adaptation, law, legislation; socio-cultural attitudes, education, public policy; social status; interdisciplinary discourse.
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