Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Karpenko E.
Standardization of the term “certificate” in the text of “The Code of Lifanyuan (Court of Colonial Affairs)” // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №1. . - С. 50-53.
Standardization of the term “certificate” in the text of “The Code of Lifanyuan (Court of Colonial Affairs)”
Работа выполнена при поддержке РГНФ, проект номер 15-11-24002
DOI: 18101/2306-753X-2015-1-50-53UDK: 930:94(510)
Article is devoted to standardization of terms “certificate” of chapter of “The Code of Lifanyuan (Court of Colonial Affairs)”. Court of Colonial Affairs was an agency in the government of the Qing dynasty which supervised the Qing Empire's frontier Inner Asia regions such as its Mongolian dependencies and oversaw the appointments of Ambans in Tibet. As the historical source “Code Court of Colonial Affairs” is of interest to researchers of Mongolia, Tuva, Tibet. On the basis of the analysis of the text some terms was selected, these terms in the Russian version of the text generalized by one term – “certificate”. Each term “certificate” of the text of “Code” makes sense, other than the others, emphasizes different character and functions of the documents issued by Qing administration in Mongolia. The author touches on the question of harmonization of historical terms in studying of the Chinese history.
certificate, standardization of terms, Qing Empire, Mongolia, Court of Territorial Affairs, Lipovcev, Chinese-Mongolian relations
List of references:
1. Ulozhenie Kitaiskoi palaty vneshnih snoshenii / sost. Yan Suandi, Jin Fengxiao. 1998. - 511.

2. Lǐ fān yuàn zé lì,[qīng] lǐ fān yuàn xiū; yáng xuǎn dì, jīnfēng. Nèiménggǔ chūbǎn shè,1998.

3. Ulozhenie Kitaiskoi palaty vneshnih snoshenii / per. S. V. Lipovtsev. V. 2. - Sankt-Peterburg, 1828.