Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Abaev N.
ON THE INTERPRETATION BY R. V. LEBEDEV OF INSCRIPTIONS ON THE BUUMAL HEAVENLY STONE // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2017. №2. . - С. 33-46.
DOI: 10.18101/2305-753Х-2017-2-33-46UDK: 902
In article on the basis of previous works on the role of ―Sayanids‖ – original autochthonous
ethnic substrate of TRANS-Sayaniya and the Altai mountains region in the ethnoculturogenesis
of Turko-Mongol peoples of Inner Asia, in particular in the formation of their
Tengrian religion of the Eternal Blue Sky(Tengri), as well as relying on the concept of the
historical role of ethno-geographical region of the Sayan-Altai as the most important ethno-cultural and civilizational-geopolitical center of Eurasia (Abaev N. V., Lebedev R. V.),
the author distinguishes this ethno-geographical and spiritual-cultural center into two relatively
independent and interrelated area, divided by the Yenisei River (Ulug-Khem) –
―sayanidic‖ and «Mountain-Altaic». Common to both ethno-cultural areas was the presence
of «endemics» (R. V. Lebedev), ethnic and cultural phenomena, which are absent, in
other regions: toponyms, hydronyms and ethnonyms etc., etc.
The article also analyzes the inscription on one of these ―endemics‖ – Celestial (Heavenly)
Buumal- Stone (translation and interpretation made by R. V. Lebedev), which suggests
that this stone recorded the original ―proto-gospel‖, or ―pre-gospel‖. In addition, according
to the author of this article, in the inscription on the stone there is the earliest for Eurasia
soteriological (soterical) concept of the Son of Heaven as the Messiah and Universal Savior.
Trans-Sayaniya, ―sayanids‖, ―endemic‖, the Altai Mountains, the Eternal Blue
Sky (Tengri), Yenisei River (Ulug-Khem), Celestial (Heavenly) Buumal-Stone, ―protogospel‖,
soteriological concepts, the Messiah, the Universal Savior.
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