Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Chemistry. Physics

Bibliographic description:
Bazarova J. G.
Tushinova Y. L.
Bazarov B. G.
PHASE EQUILIBRIA IN SYSTEMS Ag2MoO4–Ln2(MoO4)3–Hf(MoO4)2, Ln = Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy // BSU bulletin. Chemistry. Physics. - 2018. №4. . - С. 8-12.
PHASE EQUILIBRIA IN SYSTEMS Ag2MoO4–Ln2(MoO4)3–Hf(MoO4)2, Ln = Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy
DOI: 10.18101/2306-2363-2018-4-8-12UDK: 544.013;544.015
X-ray diffraction study of solid-state interaction in the Ag2MoO4–Ln2(MoO4)3–Hf(MoO4)2 (Ln = Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy) systems was performed. Under the experimental conditions, the formation of triple molybdates was not detected. Quasi-binary sections were identified and a subsolidus phase diagrams of the studied systems was constructed. As the temperature rises to 580°C, decomposition is observed in sections with the participation of Ag2Hf(MoO4)3. In the systems under study, stabilization of the Hf(MoO4)2 type of low-temperature modification of zirconium molybdate is observed. By the image of phase equilibria, the systems are divided into four types.
phase relations; triangulation; solid state reactions; stabilization; silver molybdate; hafnium molybdate; lanthanide molybdate.
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