Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Modern civil law

Bibliographic description:
Sansuyeva S. B.
Realization of Constitutional Right to Strike for Employees // Modern civil law. - 2017. №2. . - С. 38-44.
Realization of Constitutional Right to Strike for Employees
UDK: 349.2
This article is devoted to questions of realization of constitutional right to strike for employees. The right to strike for employees is regulated on a worldwide as well as on a nationwide basis, including the Russian Federation joined the relevant international acts in the field of labor law. The article points up the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulate strike questions, as one of the most important ways to settle a collective employment dispute. The article also presents standards of various laws and bylaws existing in the Russian Federation which include the questions of strikes. The author of the article draws conclusions about current shortcomings in regulation of the matter under inquire.
strike; right to strike for employees; restrictions for a strike.
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