BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
MARIYA VLADIMIROVNA SAGADAROVA: THE FIRST IN THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT OF BURYATIA // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2024. №2. . - С. 38-43.
The article is dedicated to a prominent public figure of Buryatia, the first head of
the republican women's departments, M. V. Sagadarova (1901–1926). The author briefly
highlights the biography of Mariya Vladimirovna, whose personality developed during a
period of significant changes in the country's social structure. During these critical, decisive
moments of historical development, M. V. Sagadarova demonstrated leadership qualities
and progressively influenced not only the lives of her contemporaries but also society
as a whole. The revolutionary transformations concerning women's issues in the fields of
health preservation, culture, and education in Buryat society were coordinated by the work
of the first All-Russian Congress of Working Women and Peasant Women of Russia, convened
by the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), which
took place in Moscow from November 16 to 21, 1918. The article notes the energy, activity,
and exceptional nature of M. V. Sagadarova, who had successfully graduated from the
Cheremkhovo Commercial School by that time. Thanks to her organizational abilities, she
did much for the establishment of the women's movement in Buryatia. In a relatively short
period, she gained immense authority and was deservedly respected by both her party
comrades and ordinary women. The work provides various information and recollections
of contemporaries about M. V. Sagadarova. Additionally, it is noted that many women for
whom Mariya Vladimirovna worked after her targeted studies successfully realized themselves
in the professional sphere and left a productive mark on the history of Buryatia.
Sagadarova, historical memory, women's movement in Buryatia, public figure, history of Buryatia, women's department
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