BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
The comparative analysis of city councils of the Irkutsk and Verkhneudinsk 1917-1918 // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №1. . - С. 53-59.
The comparative analysis of city councils of the Irkutsk and Verkhneudinsk 1917-1918
This article applies to work of Irkutsk and Verkhneudinsk local government. In spite of the fact that the cities had different positions (Irkutsk was the capital of region and Verkhneudinsk was usual town in Zabaikalsk region), their town councils solved same problems. The biggest part of questions of local government was social problems. For example fueling and electricity for cities, education, help for refugees and, of course, money for these needs. The main differences in solutions of those problems were in structure of cities dumas. The Verkhneudinsnk duma was completely left-wing, but in Irkutsk duma had 70 % of left-wing parties. But in spite of different solutions of the problems, Irkutsk and Verkhneudinsk governments solved those problems and that why these authorities were effective.
Irkutsk, Verkhneudinsk, city duma, town council, local government, elections, social politics
List of references:
1. Mayors and deputies of the Irkutsk Duma 1872-2011. Biographical directory / avt-sost. A.V. Petrov, M.M. Plotnikova; otv. Red. L.M. Dameshek. - Irkutsk: Ottisk, 2011. - 400 p.
2. State Archive of Irkutsk Oblast (GAIO). F 70, Inv 2, D 5, L. 86, 101, 102.
3. State Archive of Irkutsk Oblast (GAIO). F 70, Inv 2, D 96, L. 55, 113, 114, 118, 119.
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