Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Zhukova N.
Forms and methods of involvement of the public of Buryatia to system of public administration in the 1920th // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №1. . - С. 67-72.
Forms and methods of involvement of the public of Buryatia to system of public administration in the 1920th
DOI: 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-1-67-72UDK: 351(571.54)(09)
In the presented work the analysis of idea of involvement of the labor population to work in state governing bodies, its methods and forms is given. Participation of the population in actions of local authorities had to serve as means of overcoming of their bureaucratization, realization of democratic capacity of Councils, increases of efficiency of the made decisions.
Entry of workers and peasants into sections and the commissions of Soviets, their promotion to separate positions in the Soviet device promoted expansion of a social support of ruling party, and also partly solved a problem of personnel updating. Changes of political life in the 1920th allowed joining standards of the suffrage to a general population. But administration of electoral process, disfranchisement separate categories of the population minimized initial democratic character of institute of elections.
The analysis of methods and forms of involvement of the public to work in bodies of the government showed that in the conditions of formation of command system public potential remained unsolved and wasn't used completely.
elections, the commissions and sections at Soviets, promotion, democratization of public administration.
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