BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
The Solon of China // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №1. . - С. 78-82.
The Solon of China
The article is devoted to a brief description of the ethnic history of the one groups the evenks of China – the solon, which are known in the literature as a solon (chin. 索伦 suǒlún, trad. 索倫 suǒlún), also an onkory, butha-solon or butha-ni, jilin and manegry. The solon of China differ on the onkor-solon and a butha-solon. The main views of the butha-solon was hunting, the onkor-solon - agriculture. The onkor-solon belonged to the so-called “Eight banners”, who guarding the border in Xinjiang. The modern solon live in the northeastern areas of China in Inner Mongolia, in the district of Hulun Buir, as well as in the neighboring province of Heilongjiang and Xinjiang.
China, Solon, history, ethnogenesis.
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