BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
Ecological Implications of Chinese Traditional Harmonious Thought // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №1. . - С. 37-42.
Ecological Implications of Chinese Traditional Harmonious Thought
Harmony is the core value of Chinese traditional culture. The Ecological Implications for the concept of harmony can be seen from the following three parts: the relationship between human and nature, the rela-tionship among people, the relationship between human and themselves. In view of this, it has formed three new perspectives, that is, the ecological world view, the ecological views of society, the ecological outlook on life. The ecological worldview about harmony between human and nature provides cultural resources for ecological civilization concept. The ecological views of society concerning interpersonal harmony provides historical reference for ecological civilization system. The ecological outlook on life focusing on harmony between human and themselves provides deep inspiration for ecological civilization education. Therefore, the traditional ideas about harmony must be transformed creatively and developed innovatively so as to promote the further development of ecological civilization.
Harmony, Ecological Civilization, Worldview, View of society, Outlook on life
List of references:
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