BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
Buryat Ethnicity in the political projects of the XX century: Empire of the Empire? // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №4. . - С. 41-47.
Buryat Ethnicity in the political projects of the XX century: Empire of the Empire?
Статья подготовлена при поддержке Проекта № 0338-2015-0001 «Бурятская этничность в по-литических проектах: от Российской империи до современной России» в рамках Комплексной программы СО РАН № II.2 «Интеграция и развитие».
One of the most significant events of political development in the XX century was the actualiza-tion of ethno-national viewpoint. In the period under review Buryat elites conceptualized four models of socio-cultural and political development of the Buryat ethnos, in the context of which differently carried out self-presentation is drilled in the socio-political space empire. Actualization of a model determines, to some extent, cultural and political preferences of designers and, to a greater extent, the general social context and political situation. The content of ethno-political design throughout the twentieth century determined discursive practices of nationalists and/or Communists, and in this sense, ethnicity is understood as the result of social and political interaction. It can be argued that the representatives of the nationalist-minded intellectuals were classical representatives of ethnic nationalism and objectively Communists began to act as representatives of civic nationalism, which is the most important task was the creation of a new “multicultural” nation - the Soviet people.
the Buryats, nation-building, national movement, ethnicity, nation.
List of references:
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2. Guboglo M.N. Yaziki mobilizovannoy etnichnosti. M. Shkola “Yaziki russkoy kultury”, 1998. – 327 p.
3. Rybakov S.E. Philosophiya etnosa. M. 2001. – 223 p.
4. Tishkov V.A. Ocherki teorii I politiki etnichnosti v Rossii. M. Russkiy mir, 1997. – 355 p.
5. Cheshko S.V. Raspad Sovetskogo Soyuza. M. IEA RAN, 2000. – 235 p.
6. Etnos I politika: khrestomatia. M. URAO, 2000. – 398p.