BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
Questions of state administration by the economy of Buryatia in 1950 // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №4. . - С. 67-77.
Questions of state administration by the economy of Buryatia in 1950
The comparative analysis of development of executive branches of power is in-process presented Бурят-монгольской АССР in 1950th. Overcoming plenty of problems and оши-бок, regional and local government bodies were able in the young autonomous republic of дос-тигнуть of ponderable results in all spheres of socio-economic development. After an entry by virtue of Constitution of БМАССР the new stage came in activity of исполни-тельных government bodies, opened up and their considerable potential possibilities were realized at active and interested support of center. The examined period was most difficult and contradictory in development of the soviet state system. There were the repeated structural changes, administrative reforms. Not all from them were reasonable from the scientific point of view. From 1957 began to operate совнархозы. But on the whole effective state administration in a republic allowed successfully to develop productive forces, create modern industries of national economy, major industrial and agricultural concerns of different industries and directions in the context of dynamic height of macroeconomics of country.
Executive branches of power, structural changes, industries of industry, agriculture, socio-economic de-velopment.
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