BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
The Social ideal in the context of the categories “opportunity” and “reality” // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2016. №1. . - С. 12-17.
The Social ideal in the context of the categories “opportunity” and “reality”
This article describes the basic social and philosophical concepts related to ―social ideal‖, еstablished at different times in Russia and abroad. It considers its essence, axiological humanistic content. It also provides the rationale certain conditions the implementation of the essential content of the social reality. The main forms of existence in the spiritual ideal of social reality are: 1. The images of the ideal society in various utopian projects; 2. The religious imagery of a perfect society; 3. The images alternate perfect society in the minds of the leaders of popular movements; 4. ideal as backbone element of ideological forms of social consciousness. Dynamics of society to a more perfect social organization may be associated with the following changes: 1. the gradual elimination of the society relations, generating various forms of social exclusion; 2. formation of a society of social majority, is guided by humanist values social
ideal; 3. the consistent polity of the control layer to the humanistic approach to social project
having unconditional support the recognition of the people; 4. foreign policy on the formation
of a multipolar democratic world community to recognize the failure of the idea a regional or global domination.
―may‖, ―reality‖, ―social ideal’’, organization, self-organizaton
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