BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
The social work public organizations of Buryatia in 1920 // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2016. №1. . - С. 23-28.
The social work public organizations of Buryatia in 1920
The paper presents the experience of Soviet public organizations of the 1920s on the problems of social protection of the population. The activities of the company aimed to help in solving many social problems, such as homles, illiteracy, unemployment and poverty. The involvement of the public or organizations in dealing with the negative social phenomena would lead to the speedy establishment of a just ―perfect’’ society. The work of the society «Down with illiteracy!» contributed to the emergence in the Republic elementary literate people, forming positive attitude to the problem ―eradication‖ of illiteracy. The society ―Friends of Children‖ set themselves the task of protecting children from abuse, financial assistance, anti-illegal-tion behavior among adolescents. The society of political convicts and exiles had provided substantial financial assistance to former political prisoners. The activities of these societies had a strong social
orientation. However formed the society, focusing public initiative in the noble direction,adapted her vision to state the functions of the socialist public. The latter often led to the decline of interest in the work of societies, significantly reducing its effectiveness.
social organization, social relations, community initiative, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment
List of references:
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