BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
Legislative base of recovery of victims of political terror in Buryatia // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2016. №1. . - С. 53-58.
Legislative base of recovery of victims of political terror in Buryatia
In article the author considers the legal framework for the process of rehabilitation of Soviet citizens, victims of political repression in the 1930’s. The special attention is paid to issues connected with a material aspect of compensation and damages caused to the victims of political terror. The author also analyzes the problem of official recognition people, who suffered from persecution for political reasons, victims of political repressions. The researcher points out the fact that a significant proportion of people really suffered from persecution for political reasons, has no legal status – «a victim of political terror». In the article on the example of the Republic оf Buryatia law enforcement practice of the Rehabilitation Act is considered. In onsidering this issue has been identified contradictions and weaknesses not only of regional laws concerning the rehabilitation process, but also Federal law that was the basis of all other regulations.
rehabilitation, repression, law, legal framework, compensation, payment, compensation,
state support, Buryatia
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