Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Zhukova N.
PROBLEMS OF POLITICAL REPRESSIONS OF THE 1930s IN MODERN REGIONAL HISTORICAL RESEARCHES // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2017. №3. . - С. 78-83.
DOI: 10.18101/2305-753Х-2017-3-78-83UDK: 930(470)
The proposed article is devoted to consideration of a modern historiographic process, the
subject of which is the repressive policy of the Soviet state in the 1930s. The central
statement of the modern historiographic researches concludes in the formation of conception
of the unfair, in human nature of repressive policy.
Today, historians carry out the analytical work, which allows generalizing the accumulated
material; classify the available information about repressed people. The systematization
of information is carried out concerning the national, social, religious composition of
the repressed, the level of their education, which will significantly complement the views
of historians about the society of the 1930s.
Summarizing the preliminary results of the process of studying the history of political repressions
in the Republic of Buryatia, it should be noted that this multidimensional historical
phenomenon has received various coverage in the scientific literature. The problems
of political repressions in the 1920s–1930s are not a new and poorly studied theme in the
historiography of the history of Buryatia. By now, various aspects of this complex and
controversial theme have been studied. However, the systematic study of the mentioned
problems has not been completed. Along with the accumulation and introduction of new
historical sources into scientific circulation, conferences, round tables, public lectures are
held, which indicates the need for comprehending tragic pages of the past.
historiography, regional historical process, political repressions, mass terror, power, society.
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