BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
ACTIVITIES OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES OF THE BURYAT-MONGOLIAN USSR IN 1941–1953 // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2018. №2. . - С. 60-67.
The article deals with the structure and activities of government bodies in the Buryat-
Mongolian Soviet Socialist Republic. Particular attention is paid to the functions of legislative
and executive authorities, such as the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers.
We have emphasized the specifics of their reorganization and development in 1941–
1953 and analyzed the process of party’s organizational restructuring. Also, the article attempts
to reveal the main reasons for creating emergency operational groups and political
departments, their tasks and the results of their work by the end of the war. The repressive
policy of both the central authorities and the republican ones in relation to dissenters and
other "enemies of the people" is also touched upon. Finally, we have discussed the process
of the elections to the Supreme Council and the role of the authorities in this campaign.
the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR; militarization; party assets; party’s organizational
restructuring; plenums; local party committees; party organizations; district committees;
secretariat; state and party totalitarianism, the All-Union Communist Party; political department;
emergency operational groups; the Supreme Council; the Council of Ministers;
Council of People's Commissars; cosmopolism; legislative bodies; executive bodies.
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