BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
ALL-UNION MARCH OF THE PIONEER TEAMS "ALWAYS READY!" AND ITS REALIZATION IN BURYTIA IN 1970–1980s. // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2018. №3. . - С. 3-10.
Last year Lenin’s All-Union Pioneer Organization marked the 95th anniversary of its
foundation. During this period about 200 million Soviet children passed through the pioneer
school. There are several stages in the pioneer movement, and the most large-scale of
them is the All-Union March of Pioneer detachments, the routes of which were followed
by young pioneers in the 1970—1980s. The article analyzes the main activities of the pioneer
organization during this period, and also discusses some aspects of the implementation
of this unique program in the Republic of Buryatia. The materials of the article may
be interesting for historians, teachers, specialists in the field of social sciences, as well as
for anyone interested in the history of our country.
children's movement, pioneer organization, All-Union march of pioneer detachments.
List of references:
1. Detskoe dvizhenie: slovar'-spravochnik / pod red. T. V. Trukhachevoi. — M., Minsk, 1998.
2. Kniga vozhatogo / sost. V.A. Taborko. — M., 1972. – р. 42.
3. GARB. F. 36. Op.7. D. 18. L. 2.
4. RGASPI. F. 2. Op. 2. D. 895. L. 2.
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18. RGASPI. F. 2. Op. 3/1. D. 383. L. 112.