Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Dyrkheev K. P.
Khishektueva I. D.
A MODEL OF BALANCED GROWTH FOR INTERINDUSTRY ECONOMY OF THE REGION // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2020. №1. . - С. 54-66.
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2020-1-54-66UDK: 519.868
The article considers an extended version of a closed dynamic input-output model of the region in a discrete formulation. Based on real data of the developed input- output base table for the Republic of Buryatia we have formed norm coefficients for input-output model by aggregation.

The dependence of the variables of final consumer demand on household income and the gross output vector is modeled. The resulting square specific household con- sumption matrix is combined with a non-degenerate matrix of direct production cost coefficients. The “integral” matrix is productive and non-degenerate, and the inverse matrix for it represents the total combined costs in the regional economy.

We have estimated the coefficients of marginal capital-output ratio for establishing the vector of industrial investments. By multiplying the inverse matrix of total costs with the special matrix of marginal capital-output ratio, we obtain a closed model of dynamic input-output balance. As a result of solving the obtained characteristic equa- tion the balanced growth rate of production and the eigenvector of gross output of the certain structure are identified. It is possible to determine a balanced growth path of the regional interindustry economy for various scales of products and services.
dynamic input-output model; matrix of capital-output ratio; matrix of direct and total costs; specific consumption matrix; balanced growth path.
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