Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Tsydypov B. D.
Avetyan M. A.
Darmaev T. G.
Chimytov T. A.
A statement and methods of solving generalized boundary problems of electro-, heat and mass transfer in cathode assembly of high-current plasma systems // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2016. №1. . - С. 102-112.
A statement and methods of solving generalized boundary problems of electro-, heat and mass transfer in cathode assembly of high-current plasma systems
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2016-1-102-112UDK: 537.523
The article presents a statement and methods of solving stationary electro- physical and unsteady heat conduction and diffusion problems for axisymmetric cathode assemblies of high-current plasma devices. The problems are based on solution of two-dimensional current continuity, heat conduction and activators diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary conditions for the "insertframework" system and analysis of all major types of energy exchange with the environment. Herewith local Joule heat in the electrode assembly volume, convection and radiation heat components of complex heat transfer on its surface, nonlinear dependences of heat and electrophysical characteristics of construction materials from the temperature have been taken into consideration.
катодный узел, сильноточная плазменная система, энергообмен, краевая задача, математическое моделирование.
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