Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Batoroev A. S.
Sholokhov E. S.
Optimization parameters of attenuation slot-type diffraction screens based on the directional properties of antenna systems // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2016. №3. . - С. 33-39.
Optimization parameters of attenuation slot-type diffraction screens based on the directional properties of antenna systems
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2016-3-33-39UDK: 535.4
The type of calculation designed properties of the emitting and receiving systems in the selection of optimal values of the parameters of slotted screens intended for the local suppression in fur fields. In the case of actual antennas are obtained in accordance with their directional characteristics values of the parameters screens with pro-arbitrary number of slots on the criterion of maxi- mum attenuation in fur waves at the focal point. The experimental data con- firms the under-enough high performance screens are synthesized en-proposed method.
Fresnel diffraction, slotted-screen, suppression of interfering fields, attenuation factor.
List of references:
1. Batoroev A. S., Sholohov E. S., Shiretorov I. D. Shhelevye difrakcionnye jekrany dlja minimizacii volnovyh polej // Vestnik Burjatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. — 2013. — №3. — S. 132 – 136.

2. Jampol'skij V. G., Frolov O. P. Antenny i JeMS. — Moskva: Radio i svjaz', 1986. — 271 s.