Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Kravchenko V. A.
Shirapov D. S.
Olzoeva S. I.
The functional grammars in the conceptual programming // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2016. №4. . - С. 3-12.
The functional grammars in the conceptual programming
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2016-4-3-12UDK: 004.89
Article is devoted to the synthesis programs. The functional grammars are used instead of popular method the semantic networks based on the attribute grammars. The example shows the versatility and benefits of this method.
knowledge engineering, problem solver, synthesis programs, functional programming.
List of references:
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