Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Archive of issues 2012-2015

Bibliographic description:
Tsydypov S. G.
TWO-PHASE FILTERING IN A FRACTURED POROUS MEDIUM // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2019. №2. . - С. 104-115.
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2019-2-104-115UDK: 519.6
There are two main problems in describing two-phase filtration flows: the construc- tion of physical processes model and the complexity of accounting for the processes of gas- and liquid-phase filtration. The article presents a universal computational technology that implements an arithmetical model of two-phase filtering of the processes of gas and fluid filtration in a fractured porous medium with considera- tion of the horizontal seam deformation. The Van Genuchten model for fluid and methane movement in coal seams is used as a basic model. A model of linear elastic deformation is constructed for accounting the influence of deformations. The uni- versality of the obtained computing technology allows us to generalize the arith- metical model further. This technology takes into account the effect of water satura- tion on the elastic parameters, as well as the appearance of new fractures in the po- rous framework. The used differential scheme allows solving problems in an ex- tremely wide range of changes in water saturation.
porous volume; anisotropic medium; two-phase filtering; deformation; elasticity theory; iterative differential technology; arithmetic model.
List of references:
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Bubenchikov A. M., Tsydypov S. G. Postroenie matematicheskoi modeli dvukhfaznoi filtratsii v anizotropnykh sredakh [Construction of an Arithmetic Model of Two-Phase Filtering in Anisotropic Media]. Geometriya mnogoobrazii i ee priloz- heniya. Ulan-Ude: Buryat State University Publ., 2014. Pp. 75–81.

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