Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University


Bibliographic description:
Nikolaeva D. D.
Shirapov D. S.
Anakhin V. D.
MODELING OF A DYNAMIC SYSTEM BY FUNCTIONAL GRAMMARS // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2019. №3. . - С. 69-76.
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2019-3-69-76UDK: 51-7
The article considers the problem of modeling a class of computer programs that generate computational processes and adequately describe the operation of a dy- namic system. To solve this problem, we use the means of functional grammars. Identification is the basic operation of functional grammars. The article gives an example of using the identification operation on a fragment of the computer pro- gram that simulates a dynamic system. The end result is the obtaining of basic func- tions superposition with the involvement of the identification operation. The super- position obtained is an algebraic model of dynamic system, presented in the form of a computer program. We have constructed a parse tree for the computer program, which nodes contain the basic functions (non-terminals). If nodes require a repre- sentation in the form of functions (an object is the function), then this node is inter- preted as a superposition of basic functions. If in nodes a representation in the form of text is required, then an object is the fragment of the program text corresponding to non-terminal (non-terminal in this node is a fragment of the program text). Also, nodes may require a representation in the form of values (an object is the result of the above superposition of functions corresponding to non-terminal).
dynamic systems; modeling; algebraic model of language; universal algebra; context-free grammar; recursion; interpreter; semantics.
List of references:
Tuzov V. A. Matematicheskaya model yazika [A Mathematical Model of Language]. Leningrad: Leningrad State University Publ., 1984. 176 p.

Tuzov V. A. Podkhod k postroeniyu universalnoi skhemy yazika. Sintaksis [An Approach to the Construction of Universal Language Scheme. Syntax]. Programming and Computer Software. 1980. No. 5. Pp. 17–25.