Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Modern civil law

Bibliographic description:
Bulatov K. V.
Agency Labor in People’s Republic of China // Modern civil law. - 2017. №2. . - С. 28-32.
Agency Labor in People’s Republic of China
UDK: 349.2(510)
This article is devoted to research of current regulation on agency labor and agency workers in People's Republic of China whereas these questions arouse outstanding interest recently. The article analyzes in detail working rules of Chinese labor legis- lation that regulate the problems of agency labor. The author points up the specific features of Chinese legislation regulating this sphere. In the article the author con- cluded that abridgement of agency labor worsens labor engagement at the labor market in People's Republic of China.
agency labour, agency workers, recruitment agency, labor service delivery.
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