Publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal is a direct reflection of the productivity of the authors and the institutions in which they work. Peer review is an essential part of scientific discourse, so it is important to lay down the standards of the expected ethical conduct for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the authors, the journal editorial board, the peer reviewers, and the publisher. In this regard, the Editorial Board of “Bulletin of Buryat State University. Philosophy” has resolved to adopt the following ethical standards.
should adhere to the accepted standards of scientific reporting;
provide access to the data they obtain;
present original works, avoiding plagiarism and parallel publications in other periodicals;
confirm the data sources;
publish research results that do not pose risks to humans or animals;
avoid the situations of conflict of interest;
if necessary, correct fundamental errors in the publishing works.
Managing Editors (members of the Editorial Board):
are responsible the content of the journal;
should make fair and impartial decisions independent of commercial interests and organize an objective review process;
adopt an editorial policy that ensures maximum accountability to authors;
protect the integrity of publications, make corrections if necessary, and give out reasonable refusals to the authors, whose manuscripts do not comply with research or publishing ethics;
protect the rights of third parties from unauthorized use of materials;
regulate the editorial conflicts of interest;
critically evaluate the ethical standards of research in humans and animals;
ensure that authors and reviewers are aware of what is expected of them.
participate in the adoption of editorial policy;
maintain the terms for reviewing articles and the confidentiality of assessments;
provide an objective and impartial review for articles, confirming, if necessary, their opinion with a reference to the sources;
monitor and prevent conflicts of interest.
Publisher (Buryat State University):
strives to ensure that advertising, reprinting or other commercial interests do not influence the decisions of the editorial office;
provides collaboration with other publishers and industry associations in ethical issues, error monitoring, and publication of refutations.