Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Yarishkina N. V.
Mognonov P. B.
Description digital circuits using λ-expression // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2016. №3. . - С. 72-79.
Description digital circuits using λ-expression
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2016-3-72-79UDK: 681.325.6
The article proposes a methodology for the description of digital circuits us- ing mathematical apparatus λ-calculus. Defines the main rules for executing descriptions of circuits. Stand out basic elements and their descriptions. Based on the descriptions of the basic circuit elements is constructed of a λ-expression that allows to describe the schema of different levels of difficulty.
In this work the examples describe combinational and sequential digital cir- cuits by using λ-expressions, which hierarchically can be attributed to the second level of complexity. Contains a proof of the correctness of the obtained descriptions by using truth tables and the operation of the reduction for λ- expressions.
digital circuits, λ-expressions, description schemes.
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